Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
The Master Conservation attached to the laboratory HiCSA, Histoire Culturelle et Sociale de l'Art, Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, is the only university program in Conservation in France. Its team focuses on developing research in the Art Technological History and the methodology of conservation treatment.
As associate partner of the GoGreen project, CRPBC will organize and host workshops at the Malher Center (Paris).

Claire Betelu
Claire Betelu is researcher in the laboratory HiCSA, Histoire Culturelle et Sociale de l’Art. As associate partner in the GocGreen Project, she will organize and host workshops in the Malher Center (Paris).
Claire Betelu holds a PhD in Art History (2015) and a master in Conservation of Painting (2009) from the university Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Since 2022, she is the head of the Conservation Department of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She also serves as Director of Master’s Programs in Preventive Conservation (2017) and Conservation (2020). She focuses her research on French Painting Technique in the 18th and 19th and Painting Restoration History. She is dedicated in particular to artists who have designed their creative processes and their choices of materials with a view to preserving their creation. She is involved in several conservation research projects such as GoGreen or EPICO, European Protocole in Preventive Conservation. She currently carries the research project PictOu, that focussed on Jean-Baptiste Oudry’s painting technique.

Thierry Lalot
In 1991, Thierry Lalot passes his PhD in polymer chemistry at the Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6). The same year he is elected as an assistant professor in the same university and joins the Laboratory of Macromolecular Synthesis, a laboratory associated to CNRS. In the early 2000's he starts teaching Materials Chemistry in the training of heritage conservation-restoration at the Panthéon-Sorbonne University. In 2008, he joins this university as a professor and as the head of the conservation-restoration department. In 2021, he leaves those responsibilities. His main and recent research topics deal with the reconstructions of medieval recipes for colors preparation, and the history of the conservation-restoration training. His publications are much more focused on his first scientific life at the Pierre and Marie Curie University.