GoGreen WP8 Webinar – watch the recording now!
August 29, 2024
Remembering Professor Austin Nevin
October 14, 2024Sustainability is all about collaboration and the green cluster is working together to make conservation greener!
In September, the MOXY team hosted an in person symposium where GoGreen researchers Francesca Ramacciotti (UniBo), Edith Joseph (HES-SO), and Qing Wu (HES-SO) presented their green developments. The Green Cluster Symposium was held in Vilnius on 4 – 5 September 2024 at the Lithuanian National Museum of Arts. Keep an eye on the Publications & Presentations page for full presentations to be published soon!
New bio-originated cleaning formulations for metals. Edith Joseph. (Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-restauration, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
Nonwoven electrospun mats and green solvents: progress in their development as new artwork restoration systems. Francesca Ramacciotti. (Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, Microchemistry and Microscopy Art Diagnostic Laboratory (M2ADL), University of Bologna, Ravenna, Italy).
On the second day, the team hosted workshops to demonstrate new cleaning and consolidation methods. This gave GoGreen the opportunity to introduce conservators to new green materials and methods for cleaning works of art without health and environmental concerns for cleaning paint, paper, and other surfaces and metals using novel electrospun textiles, green solvents, and bio-activation methods. Qing demonstrated the cleaning of a gilded silver object (silver plated brass) decorated with relief patterns. 5% EDDS was loaded on an electrospun tissue made from recycled polyamide and then the tissue was applied on the round area for 15 min. After the removal of the tissue, the round area was cleaned with cotton sticks dipped with deionized water for removing any EDDS residues. The tarnish was successfully removed by the EDDS, a greener solvent. The workshop format allowed practical testing of the materials and discussion of the application with Dr. Francesca Ramaciotti and Dr. Qing Wu.